
You searched for the word(s): Cute Editor for ASP
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  • Re: Support for Opera 7

    Cute Editor uses JavaScript to access functionality that already exists in IE and Mozilla. In IE this functionality is called ''MSHTML'' In Mozilla this is called ''Midas'' If ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 29, 2004
  • Re: What are the IIS requirements for ASP 6.1

    Hi Adam Yes It appears that the code for the image/media popups uses  response.codepage which is unsupported on IIS 5.0 (i.e. Win 2k servers). As the server on which we use Cute Editor is a Win 2k box I was trying to ascertain if I had missed a trick with the system requirements. Thanks Steve 
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Graphite on December 5, 2008
  • Re: Install directory of Cute Editor for ASP question

    For 1), I meant to say what is the bare minimun to install on my server?  When I unzip the file, there are tons of asp examples that I do not need installed on the server.  What are the folders/files needed to get this up and running?   Thx jonpfl
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jonpfl on April 30, 2010
  • What's new in CuteEditor for .NET 6.1?

    New Features and Improvements: Vista Style Dialog System is implemented. Now Cute Editor has two built-in dialog systems. Vista Style Dialog Standard Dialog By default, when a user opens a dialogs of Cute Editor, the Vista Style Dialog will appear by ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on July 2, 2008
  • Re: 1 CE Site to manage multiple sites

    We created a directory scripts/CuteEditor_Files on the server. (the subdirectory is not really needed. We used this structure because we have other software like fusionchart and jupload in the same directory)   The directory contains all the files and subdirectories and the license.   In IIS we created a virtual directory for all ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by gottwald on June 12, 2009
  • Urgent: Trouble in getting editor's contents

    Dear CuteSoft support Team,   I am experiencing some issues when trying to get the editor's contents using my javascript....   let say i initialize the editor on a page, and given it id htmlCode, for example;   editor.ID = ''htmlCode''editor.Text = ''''   then editor is showing up properly on the page... then let ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by nadiralishah on February 14, 2007
  • cute editor bug!!!!

    Hi there,   We recently bought a copy of cute editor for asp, I installed on my server and I run the sample EnableAll.asp. It works but if you try press enter to break a line doesn't work, each time I press enter the editor creates the following HTML code: <DIV></DIV> and keeps the cursor on the same line. I found out that if ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by fabnf on June 22, 2004
  • is there a way to protect against stuff like this?

    Support forums Live Support, Chat and HTML Editor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by oompah on May 6, 2008
  • CuteEditor ASP and IE 5.5: Blank editor box

    Hi I have integrated Cute Editor into our ASP website.  It works brilliantly except for a group of users who login from Internet Explorer 5.50.4807.2300 browsers. We are using an ASP page populated from an SQL database. For all browsers except the MSIE mentioned, this works fine.  On IE 5.5 the cute editor textarea shows blank, i.e. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by havocint on December 5, 2005
  • Re: Cute Editor for ASP.Net and Html5 support

    I have used CuteEditor_for_NET6 for integrating the CuteEditor to my ASP.NEt application. I used the folder called  CuteSoft_Client and the dll called CuteEditor.dll. Now how can i integrate the above editor to the existing ASP.Net application. Can you provide the various steps for this?    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by saliniashok on May 7, 2013
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