cute editor bug!!!!

  •  06-22-2004, 4:29 AM

    cute editor bug!!!!

    Hi there,

    We recently bought a copy of cute editor for asp, I installed on my server and I run the sample EnableAll.asp. It works but if you try press enter to break a line doesn't work, each time I press enter the editor creates the following HTML code: <DIV></DIV> and keeps the cursor on the same line. I found out that if you press first space and the enter, it works and I can finally break the line, but it's hard to explain this for some people, so, we need a solution urgent!!!!
    In the on-line DEMO there's no such problem. Maybe the copy I have has a bug or there are some files corrupted, I don't know. Could you send me another copy?
    The e-mail we used to buy the product was
    My name is Fabiana Faria and my e-mail is
    Our phone number is (+44) 20 8374 4058
    Thank you
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