What's new in CuteEditor for .NET 6.1?

  •  07-02-2008, 10:44 AM

    What's new in CuteEditor for .NET 6.1?

    New Features and Improvements:

    • Vista Style Dialog System is implemented.

      Now Cute Editor has two built-in dialog systems.

      • Vista Style Dialog
      • Standard Dialog

      By default, when a user opens a dialogs of Cute Editor, the Vista Style Dialog will appear by default. If you want to use the Standard Dialog in your environments, you need to set Editor.UseStandardDialog property to true.

      Vista Style Dialog:

      Standard Dialog:

    • Office 2007 skin is implemented.

      To use this new skin, you need to set Editor.ThemeType property to Office2007.

      <CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" ThemeType="Office2007"></CE:Editor>

      Integrate seamlessly with your ASP.NET application 

      ThemeType Enumeration

      Determines how the toolbars and its buttons and dropdownlists are displayed

      Member Name Description
      Custom You must use this setting if you want custom skins. Otherwise the other settings will override your settings.
      Office2007 Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2007 style
      Office2003 Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2003 style
      Office2003_BlueTheme Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2003 style (Blue theme)
      OfficeXP Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office XP style
      Office2000 Sets images, borders and backcolors to Office 2000 style

    • A powerful new color picker has been introduced.  

      a. In the bottom of the color picker panel, "most recent colors" will appear after users pick custom colors.

      Most recent colors

      b. A well organized listing of the 216 web safe colors. If you do not want to the browser to dither the colors on a page you should stick to these colors. 

      Web Safe Colors

      c. Named color palette.

      Named Colors

      d. A new custom color selector.

      Named Colors
    • Character and Word Counter has been introduced.  The number of words and characters will be counted as you type.

      Character Word Counter 

      If you want to hide this counter, you can set the following property to false:

      Editor.ShowWordCount Property -- Specifies whether the Word Count toolbar appear.

    • Advanced List Formatting dialog has been introduced.

      Adcanced List Formatting dialog
    • Feature: Auto Adjusting Height has been introduced.

      Now you can use Editor.ResizeMode to make the Editor change it's height based on the content. The Editor will now grow and shrink in height to match the content inside.

      Demo: Editor Auto Adjusting Height

      EditorResizeMode Enumeration

      Member Name Description
      ResizeCorner This feature allows users adjust the height of the editor area by pulling out from the lower right corner of the wysiwyg editor box.
      PlusMinus This feature allows users adjust the height of the editor area by clicking the plus and minus buttons in the lower right corner of the wysiwyg editor box.
      AutoAdjust Using the AutoAdjust feature to make the Editor change it's height based on the content. The Editor will now grow and shrink in height to match the content inside. It will never shrink smaller than the current height config option.
      None The height of editor is not adjustable.
    • The new Editor.BottomTemplate property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the bottom template.
      /// This property allows developers add controls to the bottom of the Editor control.
      /// </summary>

    • The new Editor.EditorBodyClass property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies the Class name that will be added to the body of the editor document.
      /// </summary>
    • The new Editor.EnableStripIframeTags property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies whether to remove inject Iframe tags before writing the string into the db. When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all iframe tags from the html to prevent iframe injection attack.
      /// </summary>

    • The new Editor.EnableStripLinkTagsCodeInjection property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies whether to remove <link> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code before writing the string into the db.
      /// When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all <link> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code from the html to prevent link tag injection attack.

      /// </summary>
    • Context menu is fully Customizable now.

    • The new Editor.EnableStripStyleTagsCodeInjection property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies whether to remove inject <Style> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code before writing the string into the db.
      /// When this property is set to true (the default) Cute Editor strips all <Style> tags which contain malicious, client-side executable code from the html to prevent link tag injection attack.

      /// </summary>
    • The new Editor.PreviewModeCss property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies the location of the style sheet that will be used by the preview window.
      /// Multiple Style Sheets are supported. Example PreviewModeCss="example.css,~/portal.css,/default.css"

      /// </summary>
    • The new Editor.ResizeMode property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets or sets the way the editor is resized.
      /// </summary>
    • The new Editor.ShowWordCount property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specifies whether the Word Count toolbar appear.
      /// </summary>
    Fixed Bugs:
    - Feature request: "I need to use Ajax Uploader in my other projects."  

    A new product Ajax Uploader is released.

    Ajax Uploader is an easy to use, hi-performance ASP.NET upload component which allows you to upload files to web server without refreshing the page.

    Ajax Uploader
    - Fixed: "Ajax uploader has permission issue when Impersonate="true"  


    - Fixed: "EditorWysiwygModeCss doesn't work when using an aspx file which generates the stylesheet."
    - Fixed: Insert link dialog bug in Firefox and Netscape.
    Steps to reproduce this bug:
    Selecting option to "Select a named anchor in the current page" does not cause a list of anchors to appear (even if you have used the Insert Anchor option to create anchors).
    - Fixed: SetSecurityAllowDeleteFolder bug.

    When I call SetSecurityAllowDeleteFolder(false) it appears to have effect on the Image Manager, but if I call SetSecurityAllowDelete(false), the scissors icon above the checkboxes in the list is disabled. What effect is SetSecurityAllowDeleteFolder supposed to have?
    - Feature request: Remove deprecated BLOCKQUOTE for indentation. 



    - Feature request: Cute Editor should stop using the deprecated <u> tag

    - Fixed: IE remove the comments that is at the beginning of the tag.

    -Fixed: Full Screen mode not in the correct position in Firefox
    Steps to reproduce:
    If you make the Editor full page (button or F12) and then click on the HTML Tab (Code View) the Editor changes to default height with full screen width when it should remain full screen.


    -Fixed: PasteHTML bug.
    Details: I trying to Paste some text via a DropDownList selection. I have that part working. The problem I’m having is when my text is something like “[[MyProfile_ID]]”, when its pasted in the Editor window the text appears as “{MyProfile_ID}”  (minus the quotes). How do I turn off the apparent character substitution you are doing?

    -Fixed: When inserting column to the exisitng table, the editor doesn't insert dotted border.

    After inserting a table, then right click -> Table -> Insert column to the right, it inserts the column on the right but there is no dotted border in the editor like the rest of the table has (there is after its saved so it's only an editing problem).
    -Fixed: Unable to remove the default "text1" value from a textbox via Properties window
    -Fixed: bugs found using cuteeditor with AJAX Toolkit ModalPopupExtender


    -Fixed: Rendering problems in Detailsview control

    -Fixed: "Definition Term" bug in firefox



    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

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