CuteEditor ASP and IE 5.5: Blank editor box

  •  12-05-2005, 10:58 AM

    CuteEditor ASP and IE 5.5: Blank editor box

    I have integrated Cute Editor into our ASP website.  It works brilliantly except for a group of users who login from Internet Explorer 5.50.4807.2300 browsers.
    We are using an ASP page populated from an SQL database.
    For all browsers except the MSIE mentioned, this works fine.  On IE 5.5 the cute editor textarea shows blank, i.e. the text is not inserted.
    when text is added to the cute Editor in IE 5.5, the contents are not saved to the database. (They appear to be deleted/blanked just as the page is posted.)
    Code used for displaying the database entry
    dim editor, lsToolBar
    set editor = new CuteEditor
    editor.filespath = "../CuteEditor_Files"
    'editor.AutoConfigure = "Minimal"
    lsToolBar = "g_start,InsertImage,InsertChars,paste,pasteword,pastetext,seperator,find,spell,cleancode,seperator,undo,redo,seperator,Bold,Italic,Underline,seperator,ForeColor,BackColor,g_end,linebreak,"
    lsToolBar = lsToolbar & "g_start,FullPage,seperator,InsertOrderedList,InsertUnorderedList,InsertHorizontalRule,InsertLink,unlink,seperator,table,InsertRowTop,InsertRowBottom,DeleteRow,InsertColumnRight,DeleteColumn,EditRow,seperator,FontName,FontSize,g_end" editor.ShowHtmlMode = false
    editor.EditCompleteDocument = false
    editor.RemoveServerNamesFromUrl = false
    editor.ThemeType = "office2003"
    editor.Template = lsToolBar
    editor.BreakElement = "P"
    editor.activetab = "view"
    editor.width = 490
    editor.height = 150 = "txtDescription"
    editor.AllowUpload = true
    editor.text = rsTask("Description")         '<- this is an ADODB recordset
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