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  • Re: HTML reformatted in unordered list

    Hi Adam, &nbsp; I've tried using the Editor.XHTML property to retrieve the CuteEditor HTML content in XHTML format. This property also returns the list without the closing &lt;/li&gt; tags (so in fact returns invalid XHTML). I've upgraded to version 5.2 but no change. I've tried binding the editor.xhtml property to a literal control to check if ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by peeweenl on April 19, 2006
  • Re: HTML reformatted in unordered list

    Hello Adam, &nbsp; I'm&nbsp;using version 5, don't know about the .2 though. Anyway, I had the same problem on your example page. Inserted html in the HTML view in correct (validated) xhtml format. After viewing the result in Normal view and switching back to&nbsp;HTML view all the &lt;/li&gt; were gone except for the last one. I've tried ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by peeweenl on April 14, 2006
  • HTML reformatted in unordered list

    Hi, &nbsp; I have the following problem. When I insert an existing unordered list (&lt;ul&gt;) into CuteEditor it reformats this list so that none of the list items (&lt;li&gt;) are closed, which they originally were. I input the original HTML in the HTML view, then switch to Normal view. If I switch back again to HTML view, all closing tags for ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by peeweenl on April 13, 2006