Re: HTML reformatted in unordered list

  •  04-19-2006, 3:18 AM

    Re: HTML reformatted in unordered list

    Hi Adam,
    I've tried using the Editor.XHTML property to retrieve the CuteEditor HTML content in XHTML format. This property also returns the list without the closing </li> tags (so in fact returns invalid XHTML). I've upgraded to version 5.2 but no change. I've tried binding the editor.xhtml property to a literal control to check if something went wrong when inserting into the database, but the literal showed the same thing, unclosed <li> tags and also unclosed <br> tags. So it would seem that the xhtml property does not fix the problems. I'm aware though that on the demo you mentioned above it works fine. So what else could I be doing wrong?
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