HTML reformatted in unordered list

  •  04-13-2006, 3:27 AM

    HTML reformatted in unordered list

    I have the following problem. When I insert an existing unordered list (<ul>) into CuteEditor it reformats this list so that none of the list items (<li>) are closed, which they originally were. I input the original HTML in the HTML view, then switch to Normal view. If I switch back again to HTML view, all closing tags for the list items (</li>) are gone. This also happens when I insert the HTML in the HTML view, switch to Normal view, and then insert the contents into the database. The HTML in the database then does not contain </li> tags. It does not happen when I insert HTML in in the HTML view and then insert into the database, without switching to Normal view.
    I have set the DisableAutoFormatting property of the editor to True because I already had some problems before with rewritten HTML. Can anyone help me?
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