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  • linebreak characters - Mac / windows

    I have noticed that CE does not seem to recognize the linebreak character for data pasted in on a mac computer (at least not the .NET version of CE, which obviously is running on a windows server). I have read the following forum post where this issue was brought up in regards to word counts and you mentioned it was not going to be ''fixed'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ikompute on February 9, 2011
  • Re: insert image and spell check button popup blank dialogs

    Hi Eric, &nbsp; Thank you for your quick reply. I have worked on this some more this evening and found the issue with insert image - I had not created the default ''uploads'' folder. Once I did that the dialog now fully populates and appears to be working fine. &nbsp; Again, I do appreciately your prompt reply, especially on a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ikompute on February 6, 2011
  • insert image and spell check button popup blank dialogs

    Hello, I am just getting started using CE. I have installed it in my development environment for an app using ASP.NET 2.0 (using VS2005). So far everything is going pretty well but when I click the Insert Image or the Spell Check buttons in the control the dialog box that pops up is blank. Dialogs that pop up for other buttons seem fine. I have ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ikompute on February 6, 2011