insert image and spell check button popup blank dialogs

  •  02-06-2011, 2:29 PM

    insert image and spell check button popup blank dialogs

    Hello, I am just getting started using CE. I have installed it in my development environment for an app using ASP.NET 2.0 (using VS2005). So far everything is going pretty well but when I click the Insert Image or the Spell Check buttons in the control the dialog box that pops up is blank. Dialogs that pop up for other buttons seem fine. I have disabled many of the other image buttons because I do not want users uploading graphics - I just want them to specify the URL when inserting an image.
    Here is my code for placing the editor on my .aspx page:

    <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server" UseStandardDialog="true" BorderColor="LightSkyBlue" Height="500px" AutoConfigure="Compact" EnableContextMenu="false" DisableItemList="save,new,imagegallerybybrowsing,insertflash,insertmedia,insertdocument,inserttemplate" />

    I have already found and read this post, but this is not my issue because I do not have HTTP compression enabled in IIS.
    My development environment is Windows 7 64 bit, IIS7 with my application pool having 32 bit applications enabled and a managed pipeline mode of classic, Visual Studio 2005
    I do have all of the cuteeditor an spell checker dlls referenced in my project
    Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated!
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