linebreak characters - Mac / windows

  •  02-09-2011, 3:03 AM

    linebreak characters - Mac / windows

    I have noticed that CE does not seem to recognize the linebreak character for data pasted in on a mac computer (at least not the .NET version of CE, which obviously is running on a windows server). I have read the following forum post where this issue was brought up in regards to word counts and you mentioned it was not going to be "fixed" because it may cause bugs for other customers.
    My issue isn't with word count but the fact that since a windows based server will not recognize these mac linebreaks as linebreaks, it causes the output of the CE control to actually be different that what the user pasted in. My specific issue is that I am using CE as a place where users can enter (or paste) HTML content which will be sent as an email. When they click submit the web page saves their content and other information to a .txt file which is then read at a periodic interval by a VB script which then parses that HTML email and sends the messages. These messages have spacing and line breaking issues because the mac linebreak is not interpreted correctly, which originates with the CE control.
    This can easily be seen even with your demo - When you paste some HTML into the HTML tab from a windows machine, then click the "normal" tab, then go back to the HTML tab you can see how CE "re-formatted" the HTML correctly. But if you do the same from a mac you can see that it did not reformat it - it is not recognizing linebreaks at the end of each line.
    Any chance we can see CE handle recognize these mac linebreaks and convert them to windows linebreaks as it is doing its other formatting?
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