Chat license and ASP integration

Last post 11-03-2006, 1:32 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  11-03-2006, 12:21 PM 23998

    Chat license and ASP integration

    Dear Cute Chat,
    I check out Chat software for integration with ASP webpages.  I downloaded the Snitz Forum sample and was able to modify the global.asax to work with my website.  It was able to redirected to CuteChat and passin the right location (room).  But, the user ID didn't pickup.  Chat popup a dialog to enter Username.  I set the room to allow anonymous login.
    We have several websites but tied to a central database.  Is it possible to purchase single license first and upgrade later to a 10 licenses if it's necessary?
    Best regards,
  •  11-03-2006, 1:32 PM 24001 in reply to 23998

    Re: Chat license and ASP integration

    >>We have several websites but tied to a central database.  Is it possible to purchase single license first and upgrade later to a 10 licenses if it's necessary?
    Yes. You only need to pay the price difference when upgrading.
    >>But, the user ID didn't pickup.  Chat popup a dialog to enter Username.  I set the room to allow anonymous login.
    It looks like your integration code is not working.
    Before you get started, you need to understand the 'UniqueName' in CuteChat. In CuteChat, UniqueName means the unique data of your user. Depending on how you implement the user system, in some systems, the best unique data is the user ID; in some system, every user have a unique account name; some systems like MSN, the unique data is the user email. It could be string(username, email), integer(user ID) or GUID.
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