Cute Chat / Web Messenger Developer's Guide Prev Page Prev Page
Getting Started
Features of Cute Chat
Features of Web Messenger
Chat Requirements
Web Messenger Requirements
Deployment & Integration
Installing Chat/Messenger Standalone
Community Server CS 2.1 Integration
Community Server CS 2.0 Integration
Community Server CS 1.x Integration
Dotnetnuke 4.x Integration
Dotnetnuke 3.x Integration
Dotnetnuke 2.x Integration
IbuySpy(C#) Integration
IbuySpy(VB) Integration
Snitz forum Integration
Rainbow Portal Integration
Run Cute Chat from different folder
Set up Cute Chat banner ads
Set up Web Messenger banner ads
Add a time stamp to each message
Embed mode
Run Cute Chat in embed mode
Run Web Messenger in embed mode
Specify the custom culture name
Add a new language file
Oracle and Access
Use Oracle as Data Source
Use Access as Data Source
Integration with an existing user membership database.
Integration with an existing user membership database (C#).
Integration with an existing user membership database (VB).
General Installation Instructions
Cute Chat

Integration with an existing user membership database (C#)

Integration with an existing user membership database (C#)

Before you get started, you need to understand the 'UniqueName' in CuteChat. In CuteChat, UniqueName means the unique data of your user. Depending on how you implement the user system, in some systems, the best unique data is the user ID; in some system, every user have a unique account name; some systems like MSN, the unique data is the user email. It could be string(username, email), integer(user ID) or GUID.

Unzip the integration package zip file and open cs/Global.asax file.

Implement IHttpApplicationConnectionStringProvider interface and Let CuteChat know the database connection string

In this step, you need to implement one simple method:

//Retrieves the Cute Chat database connection string
public string GetConnectionString(CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity user)

Code Example

public string GetConnectionString(CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity user)


    return System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];


Implement IHttpApplicationUserAdapter interface and Let CuteChat know who has logged in the website

In this step, you need to implement one simple method:

//Retrieves the unique identity of the current user
public CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity GetUserIdentity()

Code Example

public string GetUserUniqueName()

     if (Context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
        return Context.User.Identity.Name; 
    return null;


public CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity GetUserIdentity()


    string uniquename = GetUserUniqueName();

    if (uniquename == null)


        return CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity.CreateNull();


    CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity identity = new CuteSoft.Chat.UserIdentity(uniquename, null, Request.UserHostAddress);

    return identity;


Implement IHttpApplicationDataProvider interface and Let CuteChat know your membership database information

In this step, you need to implement five methods:

//Check the user is an administrator or not.
public bool IsAdministrator(string useruniquename)

Code Example
public bool IsAdministrator(string useruniquename)
     return CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(useruniquename).IsAdministrator;

//Return user's display name
public string GetUserDisplayName(string useruniquename)

Code Example

public string GetUserDisplayName(string useruniquename)
     if( !Context.Request.IsAuthenticated )
        return null;
     return Context.User.Identity.Name;


//Retrieves all the user's unique names in the database.
public string[] ListUserUniqueName()

Code Example

public string[] ListUserUniqueName()


    CommunityServer.UserQuery query = new CommunityServer.UserQuery();

    CommunityServer.Components.UserSet userset = CommunityServer.Users.GetUsers(query, true);

    ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

    foreach (CommunityServer.Components.User user in userset.Users)


        if (user.IsAnonymous) continue;



    return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));


//Return an array of user names containing the input string.
public string[] SearchUserUniqueNameByDisplayName(string userDisplaName)

Code Example

public string[] SearchUserUniqueNameByDisplayName(string userDisplaName)

    if (userDisplaName == null || userDisplaName == "") return new string[0];

    userDisplaName = userDisplaName.ToLower();

    AdminDB admin = new AdminDB();

    SqlDataReader reader = admin.GetUsers();

    ArrayList names = new ArrayList();

   while (reader.Read())




         string val = reader.GetString(1);

         if (val.ToLower().IndexOf(userDisplaName) != -1)



     catch { }


   return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));

//Check the user is a lobby admin or not (only for integrated room).
public bool IsLobbyAdmin(string useruniquename, CuteSoft.Chat.CuteChatLobby lobby)

Code Example
public bool IsLobbyAdmin(string useruniquename, CuteSoft.Chat.CuteChatLobby lobby)
        if (lobby.Integration == null) return false;
        CommunityServer.Components.User user=CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(useruniquename);
            return false;
        if (lobby.Integration.StartsWith("Forum:"))
            int forumid = int.Parse(lobby.Integration.Substring(6));
            CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Forum forum = CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Forums.GetForum(forumid);
            if (forum == null)
                return false;
            return CommunityServer.Components.Permissions.ValidatePermissions(forum
                , CommunityServer.Components.Permission.Administer
                , user);
        return false;



Implement IHttpApplicationSupportLogin interface and Let CuteChat can verify the operator's credentials

In this step, you need to implement two methods:

//Check the user is an operator or not (only for live support).
public bool SupportLogin(string username, string password)

Code Example

public bool SupportLogin(string username, string password)

       if (username == null) return false;
        username = username.Trim();
        if (username == "") return false;
        if (password == null) return false;

        //IMPORTANT: if the user is not the operator, do not return true;
        //use the CuteChat API to check it
        if (CuteSoft.Chat.ChatApi.FindOperator(username) == null)
            return false;

        //does the user exist?
        CommunityServer.Components.User user = CommunityServer.Users.FindUserByUsername(username);
        if (user == null)
            return false;

        //use CommunityServer API to validate the user
        user = new CommunityServer.Components.User();
        user.Username = username;
        user.Password = password;

        CommunityServer.Components.LoginUserStatus status = CommunityServer.Users.ValidUser(user);
            return false;
        //FORM-Authentication ,
        System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Username, false, "/");

        return true;


//Fire when the conversation start.
public void SupportInit()

Code Example

public void SupportInit()


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