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  • SQL Data Base Example does not wowrk

    I despeerately need to use the cute editor for net with SQL.  I tried to follow directions from another post to load and run the SQL exaample.  When I attemp to load it in VS 2010, it fails.  Do you have an example that works with associated comments so we can tell what you are during.   Thanks!!!   hsmith825
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by hsmith825 on August 19, 2010
  • InstallSamples.sql error (SOLVED)

    Hi all,   Im trying to install AdvancedCS20-MicrosoftAjax\App_Data\InstallSamples.sql but i keep getting the same syntax error in mysqladmin every time i try to import the script.   Is there anyone else that have succesfully installed the db and how.?
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by mani06ah on December 18, 2009
  • Re: Connection String Security Options

    I had this same problem. The solution was to put ''Trusted_Connection=True;'' in the connection string if you do not use a password to connect to SQL Express.
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by MaxxTheAxe on September 8, 2009
  • Re: How to store attachments in SQL Database

    Hi Mike, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately your link does not help me as it is on the same page that I already linked in the initial post. I am aware that this works fine, but I have an existing web application which uses currently local file system to store attachments. Now I need to switch to store the attachments (only new, not ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kai2 on June 6, 2007
  • How to store attachments in SQL Database

    Hi all, I want to store uploaded images and files in the SQL database instead of the local filesystem. I found the HowTo including the SQL-SourceCode but I did not find any documentation about it. Where could I find any description How to store in the SQL database? Thanks in advance!
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kai2 on June 5, 2007