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  • Re: NetSpell Docs

    rschaeferhig: I'm evaluating the Cute Editor for .Net and I need to be able to either:   1. Use NetSpell to check multiple textboxes AND the CuteEdit content upon submitting the form OR 2. Integrate a different spell checking engine to do #1   I can't find any docs in the download on NetSpell. Is there any guidance for how to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 7, 2008
  • NetSpell Docs

    I'm evaluating the Cute Editor for .Net and I need to be able to either:   1. Use NetSpell to check multiple textboxes AND the CuteEdit content upon submitting the form OR 2. Integrate a different spell checking engine to do #1   I can't find any docs in the download on NetSpell. Is there any guidance for how to accomplish the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rschaeferhig on November 7, 2008