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  • Re: No More JavaScript API in 6.0??

    i've been using a popup window to populate my content in the textarea of the Editor.  So you can use the <%=editor.ClientID%>, but it doesn't help you if you're trying to access the CuteEditor from another page (or popup window).  So  you can still use the javascript API, but instead of using :   var editor1 = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by lbklatzkin on May 15, 2007
  • Undefined - is mostly all I get.

    My Editor now just comes up with the word ''undefined'' in the text area.   Here's my current best guess.   My configuration:    Dim editor1   Set editor1 = New CuteEditor   editor1.ID = ''Description''   editor1.Text = sDescription   editor1.FilesPath ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdmaynard on March 31, 2007