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  • Re: Name space Errors

    Sebworks, &nbsp; For some reasons, the application can't find the CuteChat.dll. &nbsp; Did you use the CuteChat configuration wizard or you installed it manually? &nbsp; &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on October 20, 2004
  • Re: problem with post, no send modified text

    martin, &nbsp; If you didn't use the save button, please check your submit button and make sure that you implement the onfocus event as followings: &nbsp; &lt;input type=''submit'' value=''Update'' onfocus=''save(Editor1)''&gt;
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 20, 2004
  • Re: Having problem behind the Firewall

    It's a free upgrade. &nbsp;
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on October 19, 2004
  • Re: NEED HELP!

    renegs, &nbsp; First you need to run the CuteChat.msi on your local machine. That will copy all the files to your local machine. &nbsp; Then the CuteChat configuration wizard will automatically start (you can run it manually any time by clicking it). &nbsp; The CuteChat configuration wizard will walk through all the installation steps. It ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on October 19, 2004
  • Re: Updating database pages (and not adding a new record)

    bnmiros, &nbsp; Here is the Code: &nbsp; ID = Request(''ID'') If ID &lt;&gt; '''' then &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; sql=''select TitleField,MessageField from test where id=''&amp;CInt(ID)&amp;''''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; set rs=server.createobject(''adodb.recordset'') &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 19, 2004
  • Re: CuteChat management and customization

    verdend, &nbsp; Public : if a room is not public , when the user joins the room , the admin would get a message, can accept&nbsp;the joining&nbsp;or reject the user.&nbsp; Active : if a room is not active, no use could join the room. Archive (not implemented ): if the archive is false , the message log would be deleted&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on October 19, 2004
  • Re: How to insert content in editor

    azaldivar, &nbsp; Try Change to the following line: Image1.Attributes.Add(''onclick'', ''insertHTML('Editor1','Testing...')'') &nbsp; to: &nbsp; Image1.Attributes.Add(''onclick'', ''insertHTML('Editor1_editBox','Testing...')'') &nbsp; Or you can use the JavaScript function in the addcustombuttons.aspx. &nbsp; &lt;script ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 19, 2004
  • Re: Where's the new version?

    &nbsp;Aluminum, &nbsp; I am sorry for the delay. &nbsp; We are still working on the testing and documentation. Most of your suggestions have been implemented in the new version. The project is much bigger than we planed.&nbsp; Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 18, 2004
  • Re: error cutting and pasting links and mailtos

    Bob, &nbsp; Have you tried the version 3.0 &nbsp; &nbsp; Let me know if you still have the same problems. &nbsp; If you own a previous version,&nbsp; Email us at &nbsp; Please include the email address used for purchasing in your email
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Adam on October 18, 2004
  • Re: RegisterCustomButton problem

    azaldivar, &nbsp; After you registered your custom button, have you added this button to the editor template property? &nbsp; &lt;CE:Editor id=''Editor1'' runat=''server'' Template=''Bold,Italic,Underline,Separator,Test''&gt;&lt;/CE:Editor&gt;
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 18, 2004