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  • Error when using WebLoad Testing Tool

    To analyze a performance test, we initiated a separate standalone test for CuteChat using WebLoad Test tool.&nbsp; We recorded the pages from the Start, i.e Default.aspx.&nbsp; Then we went on upto posting a message in a Chat room.&nbsp; This was&nbsp; played back, but at first we received an error ''A potentially dangerous request ...''.&nbsp; ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by anfranmz on September 1, 2008
  • Re: Chat - Integration Questions

    Hi Adam, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Let me put the second, fourth and fifth&nbsp;questions in this way. &nbsp; 2)My requirement is that I need the Select Channel combo box to be sorted in a different order and not in ascending.&nbsp; How can i achieve that ?? &nbsp; 4)Our application sents out certain events.&nbsp; These events are nothing but string ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by anfranmz on June 28, 2007