Re: Chat - Integration Questions

  •  06-28-2007, 4:51 AM

    Re: Chat - Integration Questions

    Hi Adam,
       Let me put the second, fourth and fifth questions in this way.
    2)My requirement is that I need the Select Channel combo box to be sorted in a different order and not in ascending.  How can i achieve that ??
    4)Our application sents out certain events.  These events are nothing but string messages.  We want these messages to be shown in the public chat window.  Is there any option in Cute Soft to implment it
    5)I am already a user in my application.  I have 4 windoos including chat in a single page.  And the chat window will be defaulty hidden.  When I am to receive to a message from another user, is there any way that I get to know whether the message has come.  Anyway It will show the message if I click on the chat window.  But without clicking on the chat window is it possible to alert the user in any way that there is a chat message to be read.
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