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  • Re: Cute Editor .NET Bug

    &nbsp; Ok, &nbsp; Here is an example of the HTML that is correctly formatted when first placed into the cuteeditor. Then after you goto the WYSIWIG editor and save it reformats it with empty space.&nbsp; Sorry I have not attached graphics. But if necessary i can. This should allow you replicate the problem tho. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidhanson on November 21, 2005
  • Cute Editor .NET Bug

    Hi All, &nbsp; I'm hoping someone can help with the problem or has at least encountered it before. &nbsp; Scenario. &nbsp; We have a tabe which we have copied from another of our sites into the cuteeditor HTML view. When we save this the formatting is correct and everyone is happy. However when our users go to edit the HTML table via the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by davidhanson on November 18, 2005