Cute Editor .NET Bug

  •  11-18-2005, 5:52 AM

    Cute Editor .NET Bug

    Hi All,
    I'm hoping someone can help with the problem or has at least encountered it before.
    We have a tabe which we have copied from another of our sites into the cuteeditor HTML view. When we save this the formatting is correct and everyone is happy. However when our users go to edit the HTML table via the WYSWIG the HTML table gets reformatted. Basically the HTML looks the same however the WYSWIG inserts spaces after the end of a TD. Example below

                              <tr> <td background="/portals/3/images/dots_verti.gif" colSpan="3" height="1"><img height="1" src="/Portals/3/images/clr.gif" width="1" border="0" /> </td></tr>

    Now, when i viewed this using a HEX editor i can see that the WYSWIG has inserted some "space" characters. In firefox this is not an issue as they are ignored but unfortunately IE does render them and the result is my row height is increased and looks untidy.

    Anyways to cut a ong story short, is there a way to prevent the cute editor from doing this?

    Hope someone can help as this is a real pain,

    Dave Hanson
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