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  • Re: Adding a stripHTML function and counting characters

    Hello? Patiently waiting for a response and possible other fixes... tried what was suggested and it didn't work. See my previous post for the details, and let me know if you need more specifics. Thanks, Jess
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdurra on September 6, 2005
  • Re: Adding a stripHTML function and counting characters

    Hmmm, well thanks for the tip. I wondered if Iframe might be worth a shot. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Here's my latest code (ASP followed by updated Javascript, changes highlighted in red): ---------------------------------------------------------- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Response.Write(''&lt;iframe ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdurra on August 29, 2005
  • Adding a stripHTML function and counting characters

    I have a need to be able to count the non-HTML characters in the CE fields. For this reason, I've been trying to modify the include to add a javascript function to the textarea. However, no matter what I place in the onBlur, it won't execute (even a simple alert). All my logic works correctly in the non-RTE textarea (I started there and got ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdurra on August 26, 2005
  • Re: CE steals focus

    Nope, unfortunately that didn't work. I tried multiple placements of the &lt;script&gt; tags (above and below the closing &lt;/form&gt; tag) and added the id to focus on to about 10 different elements. But no matter what, in IE, the focus goes to the last instance of CE. It's okay in Firefox (has been all along), but that's fairly ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdurra on August 26, 2005
  • CE steals focus

    I have multiple instances of CuteEditor on one page (that is rather long) and it keeps stealing the focus to the final instance of CE on the page, making many required fields go offscreen. I searched the forum and there is only one thread about this from 2003 and it says that the issue was resolved with the latest version ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by jdurra on August 18, 2005