I have a need to be able to count the non-HTML characters in the CE
fields. For this reason, I've been trying to modify the include to add
a javascript function to the textarea. However, no matter what I place
in the onBlur, it won't execute (even a simple alert). All my logic
works correctly in the non-RTE textarea (I started there and got it
perfected). But when I transition to adding it to the RTE, I get
nothing onBlur.
Does CE somehow block onBlur?
Here is my relevant code. First chunk is my external JS function,
second chunk is a snippet of include_CuteEditor.asp. I added a property
s_maxRTElength by duplicating the format of s_maxhtmllength.
function checkLength(toCheck, maxLength) {
var stripped = toCheck.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
var diff = stripped.length - maxLength;
if (diff > 0) {
alert('The maximum length for
this statement is ' + maxLength + ' characters (roughly 5 pages). Your
entry exceeds that length by ' + diff + '.');
Response.Write "<TEXTAREA name="""&ID&"""
rows="""&s_textareaRows&""" cols="""&s_textareaCols&"""
style=""DISPLAY: none; WIDTH: " & s_width & "; HEIGHT: " &
s_height & """ ID="""&ID&"""
onBlur=""checkLength(this.value, " & s_maxRTElength &
");"">" & Server.HTMLEncode( s_Text ) & "</TEXTAREA>"
Any help would be appreciated. It's important for us to be able to
count the non-html characters. If there's an easier way to do this, by
all means, let me know!