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  • multiple file selection with descriptions

    Hi FolksThanks in advance&nbsp; is there a way to add several file controls or a better way:users need to select a file then enter a description for that file. e.g. Select file1: [____________] [BROWSE]&nbsp;&nbsp; [text box to enter file description] Select file2: [____________] [BROWSE]&nbsp; [text box to enter file description] Select ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by irondude on February 8, 2010
  • iis windows temp error

    using demo.phpfirst run presents button for upload -&nbsp; uploadertemp &amp; session id created before select files button is pressed once a file a selected - Server side exception, failed to upload Joe.jpg Debug Information:mkdir() [&lt;a href='function.mkdir'&gt;function.mkdir&lt;/a&gt;]: File exists, failed to make ...
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by irondude on February 3, 2010