multiple file selection with descriptions

  •  02-08-2010, 1:17 PM

    multiple file selection with descriptions

    Hi Folks

    Thanks in advance
      is there a way to add several file controls or a better way:
    users need to select a file then enter a description for that file.


    Select file1: [____________] [BROWSE]   [text box to enter file description]
    Select file2: [____________] [BROWSE]  [text box to enter file description]
    Select file3: [____________] [BROWSE]  [text box to enter file description]

    tried this but the first one disables , second uploads file.
                    $uploader=new PhpUploader();    
                    $uploader->InputboxCSSText="font-size: 12px;";    

                    $uploader2=new PhpUploader();    
                    $uploader2->InputboxCSSText="font-size: 12px;";    
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