
You searched for the word(s): editor language
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  • Re: Ajax Editor - Context Language Issue in IE

    Dear Bluepark, We can reproduce this issue, we will investigate it and will get back to you ASAP. Regards,Eric
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by Eric on March 29, 2010
  • Re: Error when i try to upload file

    filepost.asp already contains ''<%@ CODEPAGE=1252 %>''   I am retrive below error when image upload: Microsoft VBScript çalýþma hatasý hata '800a0005' Geçersiz yordam çaðrýsý veya deðiþken /Manage/Includes/Editor/Files/Dialogs/include_upload.asp, satır 126 The following ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by sedatkumcu on May 11, 2009
  • Re: Toolbar icons take an age to show then often will not appear at all

    This item is not about the Spell checker as such but YES no icons appear to assist in spell checking and no dialog appears either. I'm using English language file (both US ans AU).  This item is about the failure of all the toolbar icons to appear after say the first time when it takes an absolute age to load them. I've got Editor ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by geoffo on March 20, 2009
  • Re: version 6.1 in AJAX with multiple control problem

    Adam:   Please try my following test aspx, scroll down the page and click the Button2. You will see the position was changed and it jumping up-and-down twice.   Thanks.   Alex   <%@ Page Language=''C#'' AutoEventWireup=''true'' CodeBehind=''Default1.aspx.cs'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AlexW on September 22, 2008
  • Re: won't save the edited html

    I don't have the same problem in Here's my entire ASPX page below: <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''uc1'' TagName=''titleNoLogin'' Src=''includes/titleNoLogin.ascx'' %> <%@ Page Language=''vb'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by lerien on May 17, 2005
  • character encoding

    i am having trouble with the cute editor and character encoding.   i have a page with a multiline text box, and the html editor.   when i enter the following £•▪™ (a pound sign, a bullet point, a square bullet, and a trade mark sign) the html editor removes some and converts the others into question marks. the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mcmnet on July 6, 2007
  • Complete translation of the editor somehow?

    We've been using the Cute Editor for ASP in a custom CMS system for many years now. However our customers has been complaining about incomplete translations. We have manually translated a lot of labels and texts that wasn't translated in the language xml-files provided with the editor. Even though we've never been able to do a complete ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Devello on March 21, 2013
  • Re: Font Size and RTE in IE

    Hi astearns ,   1. Please post the code of your  "WHDStyles.css", so we can check it for you.   2. Please try the example page below, does it works fine on your IE browser? If yes, then should be some stylesheet files on your page causes this problem. Please remove it one by one, then you will find out which style ...
    Posted to Rich Text Editor for .NET and MVC (Forum) by Kenneth on November 21, 2012
  • Re: Issue with pasting content in Chrome

    Hi Comartis, Please try the example page below, it works fine for me. Focus on the text box, then click the button. <%@ Page Language=''C#'' AutoEventWireup=''true'' %> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on November 16, 2011
  • Re: How to manually set IMG src in custom dialog

    Dear Tobster,   Please refer to the following code: <%@ Page Language=''C#''%> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <html>     <head>    <script language=''JavaScript'' type=''text/javascript'' >        ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Eric on November 15, 2010
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