Re: Toolbar icons take an age to show then often will not appear at all

  •  03-20-2009, 4:25 AM

    Re: Toolbar icons take an age to show then often will not appear at all

    This item is not about the Spell checker as such but YES no icons appear to assist in spell checking and no dialog appears either.
    I'm using English language file (both US ans AU).
    This item is about the failure of all the toolbar icons to appear after say the first time when it takes an absolute age to load them.
    I've got Editor in an asp.NET DetailsView Control in the Edit Template.
    I may do one edit successfully but on a subsequent edit the icons fail to appear and the text to be edited (coming from a web-database) does not appear either.
    Sorry this is so messy but the problem has turned messy too!
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