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thanks for the reply.
can i add a ''brand spanking new'' dropdown? if not, can i change the name from ''code snippets'' to something more meaningful to my app? also i assume it's possible to display only the drop down i want to (or is it all or nothing?) thanks again
This seemed to have been fixed in a previous build of 6.1, now this problem has returned:
Any ideas?
(The mouse cursor is hovering over the second button there, Italics)
Here's the code:
<tr style=''height:40%; width:100%''>
<td valign=top colspan=3>
<CE:Editor id=''StemEditor'' ...
I like 4 buttons for justifiing the text but as in this page also I can't see justifyfull. Is there any way to display justify full button in the tool bar.
editor.TemplateItemList = ''g_start, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete,''&_
'' separator, JustifyLeft, JustifyCenter, JustifyFull, JustifyRight, ...
OK, I think I get the idea... Are these the rules:
{} separates groups
''/'' places the remaining objects on the next row
What about ''separator''? How is it specified?
Where can I read the rules about this property?
Dear kjell.ek,
For these quetions,
1. These buttons appear / not working? {inserthorizontalrule,Insertwbr} How do i remove the arrow button on {insertlink} (predefined links). Only have insert link ...
> You can find a single button and set Visible property to false.
Yes, this is exactly what I want to do. What is the command for doing this?
This is very strange.
Can you reproduce the problems in the following example?
Hi LHBsystems,
Can you post a screenshot to show how the issue looks like? If allow, please post your editor page url here, so we can check it for you directly.
Also, you can send the url to Kenneth@CuteSoft.net
I rebuilt my entire playpen (which is why it took so long) and diff'ed the version off your website with what i had. a few .js files had been updated but the dll was not affected. Is there anything else you can think of?
Adam, As a new user I hope you don't think I being too pushy, but If I have been thinking about this and would like to make a suggestion, or two If you make the Administrator Role and the Registered User role as defaults then if the additional Roles can not be matched to exisiting, already created roles make the roles for use with CS ...
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