
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • Problems with table format

     Hi, I'm new to Cute Editor and I've been trying to copy and paste tables from Word/Excel without much success. In the first screen shot, the tables look as they should, with no unnecessary spacing, but when I check the live version of the page (second screen shot), the table becomes distorted and the vertical spacing in cells is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by nlanky on March 28, 2014
  • cute chat cache without a log table

    Hi  I hope someone can help me with another problem i want to solve. Is there any way to cache the chat log without saving the chat in a table on db? (The reason why i want to do this is, i want the admin not be visible in the lobby, this could also be a separate page with view of the current ongoing chat and last 30 logs from cache ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by tajamal on January 24, 2011
  • PasteHTML not working in table

    Hi   We have found when a user selects all the text in a table cell then tries to use the pasteHTML javascript function we get a javascript error. It works OK if they select part of the text it only seems to occur when selecting all the text.   To recreate.....   1. Goto 2. ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by AndyFel on April 17, 2009
  • Table Multi Row/Column select and apply setting

    One my customers is used to Dreamweaver, where they can select an entire column or highlight multiple rows and apply a setting for the highlighted set. Is this possible in CuteEditor?   For example, they would like to top align all cells in a column. In dreamweaver, they highlight the column, and go to align top. WHich applies a top align ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by xavailx on July 31, 2008
  • Space Problem

    Hi all, I have a problem with some spaces added by the editor.   I want to put two images one under the other in a div that has a width of 230px.   I can simply add this code:   <img height=''307'' alt='''' src=''image01.gif'' width=''230'' border=''0'' /><img height=''20'' alt='''' src=''image02.gif'' width=''230'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by WileECoyote on September 6, 2007
  • Customizing Queue Table

    I'm looking to customize the queue table. Currently the default HTML rendered contains Attribute Cellspacing=''1''.Is there any ways to remove the attribute? I've tried using Jquery to remove the spacing, its only working on a dummy onclick link to remove the border-spacing. Is there any way I can fire the depend upon selecting an image ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by chrisluo on May 2, 2011
  • How to Disable Resize option for table

    Hello,   I am having a letter template, in which the height and width of cute editor can be changed (say for eg 5 inch and 6 inch) and insert a table in cute editor with the same width and height.My problem is, the table should not be changed in height and width using resize option.Thanks for any help in advance.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Anamikha on February 12, 2009
  • MAC/Safari - table functions do not work when focused cell has content

    On a MAC OS Leopard/Safari 3.1.2, the CuteEditor v6.2 table functions listed below do not work if there is content within the particular table cell that has focus.  I have tried this on the Cute Editor Demo site and they work fine if I remove the content of the focused cell which is not very desirable. They all worked fine using Firefox on ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ciaranbolger on January 9, 2009
  • pdf generation fails with table in div

    Hello,   can anyone help me. The generaton of a pdf fails with this HTML code. When border = ''0''. It works fine ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by HtB on February 11, 2008
  • Javascript error when loading control

    I'm having trouble with the CuteEditor in IE6. When the page loads I receive a JavaScript error of 'Permission denied'. I debugged the script and found that the source of this problem is the xml request indicated below. This only happens on an initial test implementation into one of our products. I can't seem to recreate the problem outside this ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bitpail on July 12, 2007
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