Table Multi Row/Column select and apply setting

  •  07-31-2008, 12:58 PM

    Table Multi Row/Column select and apply setting

    One my customers is used to Dreamweaver, where they can select an entire column or highlight multiple rows and apply a setting for the highlighted set. Is this possible in CuteEditor?
    For example, they would like to top align all cells in a column. In dreamweaver, they highlight the column, and go to align top. WHich applies a top align to all TDs. In cuteditor the only way I am aware to do this is by going cell by cell in properties. Or, in the table wizard (but still, cell by cell).
    Another example is with deleting multiple rows. In dreamweaver they can highlight multiple rows, click on delete and it will delete all rows selected.
    Is there a way to do either one of these in CE?
    Let me know, thx.
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