
You searched for the word(s): editor language
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  • Re: Capture New and Delete Events

    Hi robinsong,   Try this example:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------->   <%@ Page Language=''VB'' %> <%@ Register Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' TagPrefix=''CE'' %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ''-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on May 15, 2009
  • Re: Problem using multiple instances of CuteEditor inside UpdatePanel on Google Chrome

    Hi rmisiak,   Please try the following code:   It works fine for me, if it is not you mean, please create a page can reproduce this issue and send it to me.   My Eamil address:   <%@ Page Language=''C#'' %> <%@ Register Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' TagPrefix=''CE'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on February 3, 2009
  • Re: Set Height in script doesn't change the Framestyle height in Firefox

    FredD,   >>I've downloaded and installed the latest version   Can you create a seperate application to test the following code?   <%@ Page Language=''C#''%> <%@ Register TagPrefix=''CE'' Namespace=''CuteEditor'' Assembly=''CuteEditor'' %> <html>     ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 28, 2008
  • Re: Chinese Text

    I have 3 text fields on the page as it is currently.  Two regular textboxes that both save correctly to ''Nvarchar'' fields in the database.  I then have the editor as the third field on the same page which saves to an ''ntext'' field in the database.  If I put the same text in all three, the first two normal textboxes save and ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kenton419 on August 15, 2007
  • DataGrid paging not working on the DataBase-Example

    I have not been able to impliment paging on the Datagrid in the Database-Example which comes with CuteEditor.  The page numbers show and there are about 20 records. when I click on page 2 the screen flashes but the data displayed is still page 1.  Please tell me what I am doing wrong?   I added the following parameters to ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by miltonsnider on November 13, 2006
  • Re: Specify a custom Dictionery

    ias0nas,   Please check this example:   The spell checker is using the language setting of the editor.   For example, if you set edtior using french, the spell checker will automatically use french language.   If you have Greek dictionary file, please copy it to the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 29, 2006
  • Adding CuteEditor Dynamically

    Hello,   I am trying to add CuteEditor.Net control dynamically to my page, before it was giving me a different error, but now I have used <form> in my page and now its giving me the following Errror, Please Advise.   ''Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.''   I have attached belowthe Code I am ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by aonh2000 on June 19, 2006
  • Re: Toolbar not showing

    view source   <!-- CuteEditor _ctl6:_ctl1:_ctl4 Begin --> <input type=hidden name='_ctl6:_ctl1:_ctl4:ClientState' value=''/><input type=hidden name='_ctl6:_ctl1:_ctl4:PostBackHandler'/><link rel=''stylesheet'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by SUperDave on May 15, 2006
  • Re: integration with Netspell with .dll added to project

    Nick,   Sorry.   In the download package, we have two example files showing you how to add the spell cheked button into the CuteEditor tool bar:   integrate_withnetspell.aspx integrate_withnetspell_vb.aspx     Step 1: Create a spell checked custom button    <script ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 16, 2004
  • Re: Multiple editors in a popup page in firefox

    Hi,   Maybe you can try the way below to handle different editor in OnInitialized ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on September 1, 2015
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