Re: Chinese Text

  •  08-15-2007, 12:46 PM

    Re: Chinese Text

    I have 3 text fields on the page as it is currently.  Two regular textboxes that both save correctly to "Nvarchar" fields in the database.  I then have the editor as the third field on the same page which saves to an "ntext" field in the database.  If I put the same text in all three, the first two normal textboxes save and load correctly, but the text from the Editor comes up as "??????".
    It gets saved incorrectly to the database.  The web.config is set to use "UTF-8" as the language encoding and this all seems to work great with the textboxes, but something is still not working correctly with the Editor.XHTML.
    Could there be any other configuration issues with my editor setup or anything that woud relate to this issue?
    Thanks for the quick responses.
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