
You searched for the word(s): License Error: (2) ip
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  • Attempting to deploy Demo version to server failing

    Hi     I recently downloaded the demo, got it working on my local desktop machine and am attempting to move it to the webserver to test the demo deployment.  However i am recieving the following error.  Here is what i have verified. using 3.5  C# 1) The Bin folder contains the license file as well as the ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by streaky on April 16, 2009
  • Chat Configuration & Messenger License

    i've just downloaded the demo and evidently it's working on my cs200 site, cause i haven't received an ''oops'' error, but i can't do anything with either program. i did use the cs2007 integration and followed the deployment.htm page exactly. here's my problems:   1) messenger is giving an error that it won't open cause i've passed my trial ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by KiraScurro on August 21, 2007
  • Re: Invalid postback or callback argument

    ''True'' didnt work, but False did, and that will be good for the time being. Another error. It allowed me to add the user so then I logged in the Operator Client and got the error ''You are using a trial license and the trial has expired.''   I downloaded it yesterday, installed today.     ????????????
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by seanb on August 3, 2006
  • Installed 2.2, Get The License for Editor is not valid error.

    Had 2.1, then installed CuteEditor 2.2 and now I get the ''The License for Editor is not valid.''  error message.   It was working fine on Sunday, but this morning it fails. I have changed nothing else and I am at a complete loss.   Help.
    Posted to Purchase / License FAQ (Forum) by mgordon on February 9, 2004
  • Please help

    I just added a purchased license to the server and I get the following error when I try to open the chat.   Please wait, connecting to server... The connection to the chat server is lost. Failed to validate license .   Any help on this would be appreciated.  There is a scheduled chat tonight that I need to get this fixed for.
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Mizzle on June 13, 2006
  • License Problem

    I've started having problems with my license. I am under the impression the registered domain license also worked without expiration on the developers localhost. Is this the wrong understanding? If not, I continue getting error messages about trial version expiration. I do not have multiple copies of the .lic file. I need to promptly fix ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by LearnerNM on October 12, 2007
  • Re: Error in IE11

    Hi markomega,   Yes, you can use your current license with the latest build.   Latest build download url:   Regards,   Ken 
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by Kenneth on February 10, 2014
  • Re: Error Integrate cute Editor in DNN 3.2.2

    israz23,   This is a license issue. For some reasons, you are using a trial license file on your server.   Please download the new temp license file to get your editor working:   Http://    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on April 24, 2006
  • Re: I am getting error.

    kunkesey, It looks like you are using an expired license file.   Please use this license file:   Http://    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 13, 2008
  • uploadmodule is not installed in the web.config

    Hi,   I've just purchased a domain license and I can't get the demo's to work.   The one I'm looking at is 'Framework 2.0-VB-MagicAjax'. After time spent recoding the web.config file I'm now get the following error when I click either button on the page:   ''UploadModule is not installed into web.config.!'' I'm working on a ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by fizzystutter on July 24, 2009
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