
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • Re: Table background image folder

    Example: test test test test test test test test test   Steps:   1. Right click inside the table, in the context menu choose table >> properties.   2. Click the style builder   3. Choose the Background tab. The Image folder is using the Document gallery ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on October 21, 2005
  • Re: Table Error

    >>When entering a table to the content management window font tags are inserted.   Can you tell me reproduce this result?   When entering a table to the content management window font tags are inserted.   >>we need to format the data through a style sheet so would rather have no formatting   Try ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on July 12, 2005
  • Re: Table and text width

    praveen, >> the user sets table’s width property to more than 100%, rendering of the content will not be proper as it exceeds normal page width. >>Is there any way we can restrict the table width to the maximum available page width?  That's possible.  Here are my suggestion: Locate and open ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 25, 2005
  • Latest Version of CE 5.1 seems to have serious custom JavaScript issues...

    Adam,   I originally posted about FullScreen issues with Custom JavaScript.  I am running DNN 3.0.13 with CE 5.1.  When loading properties Window for textbox in my editor if I hit Cancel to close CE's dialog box my custom JavaScript is erased.  If I click on Downloadable files and hit cancel, if I insert a layer etc....all of ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by TommyBoy on December 17, 2005
  • Re: How can i Remove the 'table' from right click

    i want to remove the ''table'', i use the method <contextmenu>  <item name=''Table'' value=''False''/></contextmenu> but it still exists, modify ''table'' to ''tags'', like this <contextmenu>  <item name=''Tags'' value=''False''/></contextmenu> the ''Tags'' have been removed, why the ''table'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by snow on August 22, 2005
  • Edit Table or TableOptions command

    We want to change the toolbar functionality for Table options so it edits the table instead of inserting a new one.  We want it to function similar to the context menu when you select table options.   Current the command on the TableOptions toolbar button is InsertTable.  Is there a command that I can replace that with so it will ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jsmith0429 on January 6, 2011
  • Table Pop-Up doesn't work.

    When you click the button to add a table (or horizontal rule), the pop-up appears and you see the table appear in Cute Editor.  If you adjust the properties you can see the table changing.  When you click OK, the pop-up closes and the table disappears from the editor.Any ideas why the table doesn't stay?Thanks   
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Singletoned on December 2, 2005
  • Table Problem

    i have a big problem with the editor integrated in Dnn 2.1.2 who make it unusable for me :(   When i use table in edit mode and valid all is ok but when i reedit the code, the editor break my table a remove some row and put all the content of the rows in the bottom of the table in list...   i always have to remake my ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by djh3o on July 11, 2005
  • Re: table failure if you want to create a table with 1 column 4 (or more) row tested with IE8 on

    Even worse, take a look at the source and you can see that the table terminator tag is missing...   I posted this a while ago, but they dont seem to manage to mend it. They have been working on it since 17/3-2011.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Bloodcarver on May 2, 2011
  • Link in same window crashes Editor

    To reproduce this problem:   1. Go to 2. Click into the editor body below the existing contents. 3. Click the InsertHyperlink icon. 4. In The editor, enter Url: www.CuteSoft.NET. 5. In Target: select Same window. 6. In Title, enter: CuteSoft 7. Click [OK] to close the link editor. 8. Back in ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by fredd on May 9, 2007
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