Latest Version of CE 5.1 seems to have serious custom JavaScript issues...

  •  12-17-2005, 2:18 PM

    Latest Version of CE 5.1 seems to have serious custom JavaScript issues...

    I originally posted about FullScreen issues with Custom JavaScript.  I am running DNN 3.0.13 with CE 5.1.  When loading properties Window for textbox in my editor if I hit Cancel to close CE's dialog box my custom JavaScript is erased.  If I click on Downloadable files and hit cancel, if I insert a layer etc....all of these are now blowing away my custom JavaScript.  Yes it is repeatable every time on your test site @
    Here is some sample code below...paste it into the HTML area on the link above.  It works fine until any modifications listed above are made.

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated.  If your latest build has these known bugs when is the date for fixes?

    Is there something I am doing wrong?



    <script language=javascript>
    function AddCustomStuff() {
    alert("Event Added:");
    <table id=tblMain style="WIDTH: 928px; HEIGHT: 699px" cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=928 border=0>
                <div id=MainShell ms_positioning="GridLayout">
                <table height=512 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=920 border=0 ms_2d_layout="TRUE">
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td width=16 height=32></td>
                            <td width=72></td>
                            <td width=143></td>
                            <td width=41></td>
                            <td width=104></td>
                            <td width=320></td>
                            <td width=16></td>
                            <td width=208></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=3 height=32></td>
                            <td colSpan=3>
                            <div id=DIV1 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=24 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=432 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                                        <td>Fill out</td>
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=4 height=32></td>
                            <div id=DIV3 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                                        <td>User Name</td>
                            <td colSpan=3><input id=IS_USR size=40 name=IS_USR></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=4 height=32></td>
                            <div id=DIV4 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=3><input id=IS_STA size=40 value=IS_TestStation1 name=IS_STA></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=4 height=32></td>
                            <div id=DIV5 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=3></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=2 height=32></td>
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                            <div id=DIV6 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=2 height=32></td>
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                            <div id=DIV7 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=2 height=32></td>
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                            <div id=DIV8 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=2 height=40></td>
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                            <div id=DIV2 ms_positioning="FlowLayout">
                            <table height=19 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=96 border=0 ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
                            <td colSpan=2></td>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td colSpan=7 height=136>
                            <p align=right><input id=cmdSend onclick=AddCustomStuff(); type=button value="Send Data" name=cmdSend></p>
                        <tr vAlign=top>
                            <td height=80></td>
                            <td colSpan=7>
                            <div id=lblInfo ms_positioning="GridLayout">
                            <table height=68 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=888 border=0 ms_2d_layout="TRUE">
                                    <tr vAlign=top>
                                        <td width=888 height=68></td>
                <td td <></td>
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