
You searched for the word(s): postback
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  • Recurring TextChange Event

    I have four editor controls on one page.  The first instance of the editor always casts a text change event on postback even when there is no text change, all other instances behave as expected.    When the first editor's text change event is processed, if I compare the editors text property with it's view state value, they are ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sps on August 10, 2006
  • Codebehind to point to different folders

    I am using a tree control, that I then on postback have it set the Folderpath.  This is working....but, when I want to batch gallery index build the images, I get an error that it cannot find the path. (Could not find a part of the path ''C:\Aberon\My Webs\Aberon Projects\psrFamilySite\samplefolder''.)   How do I set this path, so the ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Aberon44 on July 9, 2006
  • Re: CuteEditor v5 .Net and ajax

    Add the oncommand attribute to the CE:Editor control declaration.  In this case oncommand=''HandleEditorCommand(this)''   function HandleEditorCommand( editor) {    if(event.command=='PostBack' && event.commandValue=='Save')    {       ...
    Posted to FAQ (Forum) by Mr X on May 30, 2006
  • Visual Studio 2005 and Atlas

    So There are three issues that would greatly improve CuteEditor in the future and I was wondering if Adam or someone wouldn't mind commenting on them.   1. I have seen postings about this, but no resolution as of yet: Allowing the filespath configuration property to be set to a directory outside of the project completely so the ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jjanofsky on April 4, 2006
  • Firefox 1.5 bug: style in head tag disappear

    First of all, thanks for a great Editor! I think I have discovered a bug though. When using the editor with EditCompleteDocument=''True'' the style in <head> is removed on postback. Also if I use a css file for EditorWysiwygMode all content in the BODY tag is removed on postbacks. This does not happen in IE. (Using build 07-02-2006)PS! A ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by eldorsen on February 7, 2006
  • Re: Editor stripping style on UNDO

    Even wrapping it in the div tag it constantly removes the head tag and when clicking and typing then clicking undo this happens still. This does not happen on postback but it does when clicking UNDO. Some things I have found:     When loading a doc from a string and passing it to the cute editor with the likes of editor1.text = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Accutitle on November 10, 2005
  • Re: After removing the Toolbar I receive this JS error createRange().getBookmark()

    My full.config: <?xml version=''1.0'' encoding=''utf-8'' ?> <configuration> <contextmenu> <item name=''Editing'' value=''True''/> <item name=''Format'' value=''True''/> <item name=''Insert'' value=''True''/> <item name=''InsertAdvanced'' value=''True''/> <item name=''InsertFiles'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 16, 2005
  • Re: Get Runtime Reference To Editor Object In Nested User Control (ascx).

    For those interested in the followup on this...   I decided to take a simpler approach. The ''wall I ran into'' was not simply that the CuteEditor was appearing within a nested user control, but that the user controls were being dynamically added to the ASPX page. They therefore simply do not exist on PostBack, so there is no control (i.e., ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jeff330ci on July 11, 2004
  • Post Back issues with CE

    I'm using the latest .NET version of CE on a form page which also contains a calendar control. The form page is used to update data in a database so I populate the fields with content from the database. The CE control populates unless the calendar control is used.  After selecting a date, the content in the CE control vanishes - leaving a ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by dogtown on December 9, 2003
  • Re: relative links

    Please try the steps in the following link: 1. Click the insert link button. 2.      In the URL field, if the path is relative path (../somelink), after postback, you will get a relative path. (Please don't switch to HTML view!)     In the URL field, if the path is ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 23, 2005
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