Visual Studio 2005 and Atlas

  •  04-04-2006, 8:27 PM

    Visual Studio 2005 and Atlas

    So There are three issues that would greatly improve CuteEditor in the future and I was wondering if Adam or someone wouldn't mind commenting on them.
    1. I have seen postings about this, but no resolution as of yet: Allowing the filespath configuration property to be set to a directory outside of the project completely so the CuteEditor files will not show as errors within client projects.  Can this be solved by compiling cuteeditor inside one DLL ala FreeTextBox or by having the editor check for a key in the web.config file?
    2. Atlas just came out, and as many of us begin taking advantage of the technology and re-writing our code to work with it we will need to make postback concessions to allow our wsyiwigs to work.  I have not been able to find an editor that works correctly with atlas/ajax yet, but I would love to see cutesoft be the first.
    3. It is possible that I just haven't figured out how to do this, but I would love to see support for 2.0 themes which would allow me to point my filespath property at the application or theme level instead of at the editor level.
    I love Cuteeditor and would love to hear some remarks on the validity of these additions and/or if they already exist
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