
You searched for the word(s): toolbar
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  • Re: Change Toolbar's configuration in runtime.

    Please check this example:   You need to use CuteEditor_OnCommand event.   Here is the code of that example:   function CuteEditor_OnCommand(editor,command,ui,value)           { ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 18, 2009
  • Re: DNN Provider 4.0 - Customize Toolbar by Role?

    OK, only thing I can't figure out how to do. Directory for images, media etc need to be portal specific. I can't figure out how to get that. I run several installs with 30 or 40 child sites, it just won't due if everyone gets the same upload directory. I'm sure theres some map path thing I can do, but I'll need your help. Thanks
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jhoelz on April 8, 2005
  • Re: Toolbar icons show incorrectly

    dotnetdeveloper, I have tested your file. This configuration file work perfectly here. I guess the problem is called by the toolbar image doesn't match the client files. Please download the control again and overwrite all the client files, DLL. Then try again. Keep me posted
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on August 24, 2007
  • Re: Toggling the toolbar

    But there is no way to hide the toolbar while in non-fullscreen mode and show it in fullscreen. You may need to do something like this example:
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on March 3, 2005
  • Re: tool bar still appears when editor.enable=false

    wolf11th: Hi Eric, thx for your reply if I remove  the configurationPath, how can I customise the toolbar? The idea is on the back end, our system check the user level, if the user is read only, it needs to disable the editor. If not, it will still show the user the toolbar. So I think I still need to specify the tool configuration ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Kenneth on April 16, 2010
  • Re: Toolbar displaying incorrect image for certain buttons

    Ok, problem solved.   It turns out that although we had transferred the new .dll files into the bin folder, these were bein g overwritten by the old dll files in our WebLibs folder, resulting in us having out of date dll files.   Many thanks for your help.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by DLRichards on August 15, 2008
  • Re: Add dropdown to toolbar?

    I want to add a new dropdown, and I know the toolbar controls index of where I want to put it.   It puts my dropdown there, but pushes all the other dropdowns below it, making it look awkward and messed up.   can u help (if this makes sense) ? thx,   rob
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by asiandreads on November 4, 2006
  • Re: Hiding File Info for DotNetGallery

    Hi Sherron, The steps below shows you how to remove the file info when you click on the image to open it as the viewer mode. 1. Open file  ''\CuteSoft_Client\Gallery\Viewer\LightBox\Code.js'' 2. Find section below and delete it. This is the file size section. this.toolbar.appendChild(this.photoinfo);  3. ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Kenneth on June 18, 2012
  • Re: text design

    Hi kjell.ek, The steps below shows you how to change the height of the gray bar 1. Open file ''\CuteSoft_Client\Gallery\Viewer\LightBox\Code.js'' 2. Find section below var th=Math.floor(toolbarheight*tstep/10);''px'';''px''; 3. Change it ...
    Posted to ASP.Net Image Gallery (Forum) by Kenneth on November 4, 2010
  • Re: AutoConfigure - codeviewToolbars

    David,   When you click the html button in the bottom bar, you will go to the code view.   If code view,  you can find the top toolbar which contains a few handy toolbuttons. We call it codeviewToolbar.   You can use the following property to configure it/   Editor.CodeViewTemplateItemList Property The toolbar ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on February 6, 2008
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