You searched for the word(s): table
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Please try the following steps:
Click on the table to select it.
Move your mouse to the edge of the table and, when your cursor changes into the double-headed arrow then double click with the mouse. A window will pop up that will show the table properties. Change what you wish and then click ''OK'' at the bottom of ...
When I remove the following statement, it works: Style=''border-collapse: collapse''.
However, I do want to set the collapsed border by default. Is there a way to do that?
Also, now when I create a table, it is created without placeholders in the cells and until at least a space are placed in ...
i am facing lot of problem with this php file uploader ajax version, i wish to buy this for one of my project, if it works well i plan to use it in multiple domain... but kindly solve my issues
1. move uploaded image file to other location and should be able to reflect this new moved path in ajax attachment table created
2. should be able to ...
I have an RTF with the table. when i try to load the the RTF i get the below
504b030414000600080000002100828abc13fa0000001c020000130000005b436f6e74656e745f54797065735d2e786d6cac91cb6ac3301045f785fe83d0b6d8 ...
Sorry, I think I did not explain clearly. We do not want to just use a different icon, we wouild like to use the same menu options i.e. a Table toolbar button that when clicked shows all the options as in this Message tool bar. At the moment all we can find is the InsertTable menu option and seperate options for adding/removing rows ...
You can also check this document :
The queue table is client state.
After the file uploaded , the page will postback to server and fire the FileUploaded event.
You can use MS-Ajax or other Ajax tool to submit the data via ...
My users are having a hard time when editing table content. It seems ''sometimes'' when editing a cell, the editor will add width/height to the cell. I think this may happen because it is dragging the cell borders. I've seen this happen quite a bit, and sometimes I am not even close to the borders.
Is there a way to disable this? Then ...
Hello Adam,
here are some questions:
1) Where can I change ''Columns'', ''ColSpan'', ''Rows'', ''Span'' in the language.xml?
2) Where can I change the languages of these things?
3) In AutoConfigure I inserted this:
<item type=''dropmenu'' name=''Table'' group=''InsertTableGroup'' ...
the logo we'd like to use for the top of the chat room is about 15px taller than yours. I've tried setting a height on the table but it doesn't change the height of that space -- it seems to be controlled some other way. Could you provide instructions on changing the height of the table that contains the logo?
Thanks! Candy
Thanks, but now there's no table at all. I'm happy for the user to see the list of uploaded files once completed, but I don't want the 'Remove' link to be there. Is there any way I can edit / capture the returned data/table? Thanks,Damian
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