Re: Remove function Dosent work in example Building attachment table (AJAX) if savedirectory option is used

  •  11-03-2010, 1:39 AM

    Re: Remove function Dosent work in example Building attachment table (AJAX) if savedirectory option is used

    i am facing lot of problem with this php file uploader ajax version, i wish to buy this for one of my project, if it works well i plan to use it in multiple domain... but kindly solve my issues

    1. move uploaded image file to other location and should be able to reflect this new moved path in ajax attachment table created
    2. should be able to delete the moved file by clicking on "remove" link in attachment table
    3. call i add watermark to image that i uploaded, where shall i add the code in ajax example
    4. after adding the thumbnail code, the ajax attachment table dosent get created

    kindly help with above
    - prad
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