
You searched for the word(s): toolbar
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  • Re: Font fore color and background color toolbar buttons not working?

    Thanks Adam. We also did a bit more testing and it appears that setting the readonly property for the editor this issue then occurs. We start the editor as readonly = true.  After a person clicks on ''Edit'' the readonly is then set to false.  Then the issue occurs.  If we comment out any lines that set the readonly ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by ralc001 on October 2, 2011
  • No Toolbar icons appearing once application deployed.

    Using v6.3 and just modifying applications that did function correctly.I'm at a loss where to start looking as there is no error message just no tool bars and no ability to enter text in the blank rectangle which is the editor.Any suggestion where to start?  I'm getting a blank box with a light gray area where the toolbars should be (there ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by geoffo on March 26, 2009
  • Toolbar Missing & Wrong Images

    Hi the tool bar is not showing the insert table icon, it is coming up as a missing image? (see image)   I have typed the url directly and it is in the folder and showing in the source code. (see source code)   Also the Insert Image is showing as the inser Flash ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by webxel on April 7, 2008
  • Toolbar - DisableItemList

    I can't seem to get rid of some of the drop downs in my editor at run time. EditorHTML.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Compact; EditorHTML.DisableItemList = ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wzs5011 on October 18, 2007
  • Re: Can dynamically hide/show toolbar buttons?

    Please let me be sure I understand option #5.  You show three disabled options in the example.  If you want to disable a fourth (or enable one of these three), you have to define the entire list of four (or two) disabled items again?   There is no single command to just enable or disable one option by ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by rockford on April 26, 2007
  • .NET Framework 1.* missing toolbar graphic

    Nice work on V6.0!   Got a little bug to report.   I am running version 6.0 Editor on .NET Framework 1 but I am having difficulties with the toolbars.  Using the default configuration, the first button group works fine but the second and third groups have no mouse-over effects and the button images do not match the actions from ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by kev mc on April 16, 2007
  • Re: Toolbar icons display locally, but not remotely...

    Yes the path is relative and seems correct. See below:<img Command=''JustifyLeft'' width=''20'' height=''20'' class=''CuteEditorButton'' src=''/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Themes/Custom/Images/left.gif.aspx'' title=''Left Justify'' />If I add the domain name before /CuteSoft_Client/..... and remove the .aspx appended to the image, the image ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Gauguin on May 30, 2006
  • Server Application Unavailable Error when clicking on the netSpell toolbar button

    I have the spell checking feature running fine locally (netSpell)  When I run it on the production server I am getting the:   Server Application Unavailable   The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable.  Please hit the refresh button in your web browser to rety your ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by mat41 on August 25, 2005
  • Re: Newbie Question - Can you configure the toolbar?

    Yes, but it's not perfect. If you add new buttons you have very little control over where they appear as you can't use the TemplateItems string to configure. And then there's a bug such that if you use the WYSIWYG font/size drop downs as I wanted to then that can crimp your style.   If you're just looking for the basics... no new buttons... ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by areeve on February 4, 2004
  • Re: Modifying Editor Styles and toolbar items

    Adam Thank you for informing me of the disableItemList.   about the stylesheet classes and drop downs.  I was importing a style sheet in one of my many and it was picking up the color of the font - that's why I was having such a hard time changing it.    
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by valya on September 16, 2009
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