
You searched for the word(s): table
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  • Dynamic usernames

    How does CuteChat retrieve usernames when users enter the chatroom? We are trying to autogenerate usernames for anon users when they enter (Guest1, Guest2 etc) but so far, even when the implementation actually updates the cutechat database the UI still displays the same name for all users.This also applies to another function we're attempting to ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by MadsNissen on March 28, 2006
  • What's New in version CuteEditor for .NET 5.2?

    New Features and Improvements: The new Editor.MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage property has been introduced. /// <summary>/// If you do not want to preserve the aspect ratio when you drag and resize an image, you can set the MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage property to false. /// By default, ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on March 4, 2006
  • Change text but not style

    I have cuteEditor set up so that users can change the content of their websites.  I created the initial page and they go in to change the text.  Unfortunately everytime they do it messes with the style(width, height, etc.)  Is there a way I can set it up so they can change any text on the page, but can not change the style of any of ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Fyzbo on February 24, 2006
  • Smart Navigation

    Hi Adam,   I have a table and each time i dynamically add a new row i load cute editor into that row (the previous rows are then set as text and only the current row displays the cute editor).   I want to anchor to the cute editor, but the page always loads to the top of the page.   The aspx form has been set ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by stuart on February 7, 2006
  • Adding a user into contact list from my website

    Hi, is there a way to add a user into the contact list from my website? I know the user needs to be in Chat_User and Chat_User_User table inorder to show up on the contact list but after adding a contact, i have to wait like 5 mins to show up on the contact list. Is there a session that i need to kill when the user logoff from cutechat ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by zawzawhan on February 6, 2006
  • What's New in version CuteEditor for .NET 5.1?

    New Features and Improvements: The new Editor.LoadRTF Method (RTF to HTML Support) has been introduced. /// <summary>/// Loads the contents of an RTF file into the CuteEditor control.  /// </summaryExample:Editor1.LoadRTF(''~/doc/mtText.RTF''); The new Editor.SaveRTF Method (HTML to RTF Support) has been ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on November 28, 2005
  • Iframe resizing of when using the +/- buttons

    Since my emails to tech support have gone unanswered, I am putting my problems here now.One of the features and headaches of 4.x CuteEdit is the +/- button for resizing the editor. One of the problems when using CuteEdit within an Iframe, is that when CuteEdit resizes, the Iframe does not since there is no event to the user to trap this change. To ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by rcroeder on November 22, 2005
  • Store files in DB (in different galleries)

    I'm evaluating the CuteEditor in VS.Net 2005 and have a question about 'store images in db'. I downloaded the sample 'UseSql' from your website and wanted to extend it, so that you can define the gallery-path where the images are stored (see the following code below). ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by bjoern on November 1, 2005
  • Creating lobby and chat channel from code

    hi,I'm testing the creation of a lobby and chat channel from a custom code. (cute chat trial version)I tried executing this: Chat_Lobby lobby=new Chat_Lobby();Chat_Channel channel=new Chat_Channel(); And the second line caused the error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Name', table 'SamplePortal.dbo.Chat_Lobby';column does not ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by amir on August 4, 2005
  • CuteEditor for ASP 4.0 released!

    Here it is! The so waited CuteEditor for ASP 4.0 is available now! What's new in Cute Editor for ASP 4.0? The latest version of Cute Editor contains new features and improved functionalities. Cross-browser, cross-platform Support Compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and ...
    Posted to News and Announcements (Forum) by Adam on May 16, 2005