What's New in version CuteEditor for .NET 5.2?

  •  03-04-2006, 10:29 PM

    What's New in version CuteEditor for .NET 5.2?

    New Features and Improvements:
    • The new Editor.MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage property has been introduced.
    • /// <summary>
      /// If you do not want to preserve the aspect ratio when you drag and resize an image, you can set the MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage property to false.
      /// By default, MaintainAspectRatioWhenDraggingImage is set to true to enable the preservation of the aspect ratio.
      /// </summary> 

    • The new Editor.EnableObjectResizing property has been introduced.

      /// <summary>
      /// Specify whether or not to allow the users resize an object winthin the Cute Editor.
      /// For example, if you want to prevent people from resizing images, table winthin the Cute Editor, you can set it to false.
      /// </summary>    

    • New feature: Create PDF filesCreate PDF files
      CuteEditor allows you dynamically create Adobe PDF documents from ASP.NET.

    • New feature: Filtering Images by Security Prefix

      New security features for uploading and sharing images on CuteEditor have been added to ease security concerns. Different user groups can have their own image uploading/sharing folders by specifying the different image gallery paths.
      You can aslo apply security prefix to further filter out image files so users can only view images uploaded by themselves. Users would feel like they have their own image pools although the user group's files are located in the same physical folder. You can disable this Security Prefix feature for admins and power users so they can view all the files.

      How does the security prefix work?

      1. Uploading.

        If the security prefix has been set to the current user, all the image files will be renamed and a prefix will be added the file names when uploading.

        If the original file names were named:


        and the current user has been set the security prefix: "Jack_"

        Then the resulting renamed files would be named in the server:


      2. Viewing

        If the security prefix has been set to the current user, the current user can only view the images whose name begins with his/her security prefix.

        In the screenshot1, the images whose name begins with "Jack_" will be displayed, the other images will be hidden.
      3. Users with NO prefix are not limited by prefix restriction. For Admin/Power Users, allow them to view all files by simply not setting security prefix.

    • New feature: Renaming images based on the time the file was uploaded

      In some situations, the developers need to reename images based on the time the file was uploaded. With Cute Editor, you can easily rename images with a time date stamp the file was uploaded.

      The unique identifier used in the generated file name has the following format:

      YYYYMMDDHHMMSS+3 Random numbers

      Where YYYY, MM, DD is the year, month and day; HH, MM, SS is hours, minutes and seconds. 


      This feature is turned off by default. But you can turn it on and off by using the following methods: 

      1: Edit security policy file.

      The security policy file (default.config, admin.config and guest.config) can be found in the /CuteEditor/Configuration/Security folder. In security policy file you can find the UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles element. By default, it contains the following value:

      <security name="UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles">true</security>

      You can modify the UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles element to meet your own requirements.

      For example:
      <security name="UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles">true</security> 

      2: Programmatically turn UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles on and off

      C# Example:
      Editor1.Setting["security:UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles"]= "true";

      VB Example:
      Editor1.Setting("security:UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles")= "true"
    • "Auto Thumbnail" feature has been added to "invert image dialog".

      Please check the thread for details:


    • "insert link" dialog has been redesigned. 
      a. Allow link to an anchor using the link tool without having to manually type the "#" by providing list of all existing anchors on the page to choose from.

      b. Tab index & Access key are supported.

    Fixed Bugs:
    - Suggestion: "RTF2HTML method  requires a file name as parameter: RTF2HTML(string _fileName). I need a method that will accept an actual rtf string or a stream" 


    - Fixed: "Javascript error permission denied on CTRL-Z". 
     - Fixed: "Medium trust issues"
     - Fixed: "contenteditable='false' are removed when switch to HTML view"
    - Fixed: "color picker bug"

    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

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