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  • Re: <button> type attribute disappears

    Hi, &nbsp; We tested this code, and found IE remove the type='button' automatically: &nbsp; function testit() { &nbsp;var editor=document.getElementById(''&lt;%=Editor1.ClientID%&gt;''); &nbsp;editor.GetDocument().body.innerHTML=''&lt;button type='button'&gt;hello&lt;/button&gt;''; &nbsp;alert(editor.GetDocument().body.innerHTML); } &nbsp; I ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by cutechat on August 9, 2010
  • Re: Setting file queue background color

    Hi, &nbsp; UploadAttachments will persist a list of the uploaded files. &nbsp; If you want to remove it, try use uploadAttachments1.DeleteAllAttachments() at the PreRender event. &nbsp; Regards, Terry &nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 9, 2010
  • Re: Ajax Uploader not working in post back

    Hi, &nbsp; Can you arrange your code an post&nbsp;the full source code ? &nbsp; I think the possible reason is you bind the datagrid again. &nbsp; Which will force the uploadattachment reset. &nbsp; Regards, Terry
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 9, 2010
  • Re: Error when upload the image file to database

    Hi, &nbsp; When you use Silverlight mode, you need implement the AppendData method correctly. &nbsp; Because Silverlight will split the file into small pieces , and call Save once, and then call AppendData many times. &nbsp; Regards, Terry &nbsp;
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 9, 2010
  • Re: Session Expired

    Hi, &nbsp; that error means the cookie is missing for an unknown reason. maybe because timeout. &nbsp; at what&nbsp;progress did you get this error message ? &nbsp; 0%, or 100% ? &nbsp; Regards, Terry &nbsp;
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 9, 2010
  • Re: Galleryimpl.js line 609 error?

    Hi, &nbsp; That is a bug. &nbsp; Please download the last version and try again. &nbsp; Regards, Terry &nbsp;
    Posted to ASP Image Gallery (Forum) by cutechat on August 2, 2010
  • Re: ASP uploader not working in Firefox 3.6.3

    Hi all, &nbsp; We have confirmed a Firefox new BUG , &nbsp; If you put the uploader under the &lt;BODY&gt; directly , the Flash/Silverlight will stop works !! &nbsp; SO , Do not use such code for testing : &lt;BODY&gt; uploader... &lt;/BODY&gt; &nbsp; Try add a DIV : &lt;BODY&gt;&lt;DIV&gt; uploader... ...
    Posted to ASP Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 2, 2010
  • Re: Php Uploader Freezes in Firefox.

    Yes. &nbsp; We recently have some customers report such issue, &nbsp; both for Flash mode and Silverlight mode. &nbsp; Because Firefox&nbsp; have such a bug, &nbsp; If the addon is under &lt;body&gt; directly , &nbsp; Firefox will reload the addon for a unknown reason. &nbsp; Regards, Terry
    Posted to PHP File Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 2, 2010
  • Re: Timeouts on Large Files

    Hi, &nbsp; What error do you get when testing the file upload control ? &nbsp; How about your configuration for the trust level ? &nbsp; &lt;trust level=''Full'' /&gt; &nbsp; If you use this , uploader module will help you to skip the execution timeout issue for uploader requests. &nbsp; on our server , we do not set sepcial ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 2, 2010
  • Re: How to use the Ajax Uploader in Grid

    Hi, &nbsp; You need attach the FileUploaded event , use tag code &lt;CuteWebUI:Uploader FileUploaded=''....'' /&gt; , or in the grid Item Init event. &nbsp; And then , in the Uploader_FileUploaded(object sender,..) event, you can get&nbsp; the uploader by this way : &nbsp; Uploader uploader=(Uploader)sender; &nbsp; And then get the grid ...
    Posted to Ajax Uploader (Forum) by cutechat on August 2, 2010
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