Re: How to use the Ajax Uploader in Grid

  •  08-02-2010, 8:18 PM

    Re: How to use the Ajax Uploader in Grid

    You need attach the FileUploaded event , use tag code <CuteWebUI:Uploader FileUploaded="...." /> , or in the grid Item Init event.
    And then , in the Uploader_FileUploaded(object sender,..) event, you can get  the uploader by this way :
    Uploader uploader=(Uploader)sender;
    And then get the grid item , and index by this way :
    int index=-1;
    for(Control c=uploader.Parent;c!=null;c=c.Parent)
       GridViewRow item=c as GridViewRow;
    object datakey=GridView1.DataKeys[index];
    and then , save the files for the object which datakey means
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