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  • posting to the database

    I am having problems getting the data from the cuteeditor textarea to post to the database. &nbsp; this insert record form is working for everything else, but the cuteeditor text.&nbsp; if i put a value in the &nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;input type=''hidden'' name=''Editor1'' id=''Editor1'' value='''' /&gt; line, i get written to the database whatever i ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by pmagoo on April 6, 2008
  • newbie css help (And two other newbie questions)

    I am having problems getting the css to work properly. &nbsp; I have been successful in changing the items in the css drop down menu (they no longer say ''red text, green bold text, etc).&nbsp; I changed this in the common.config file as seen below: &nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;CssClass&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;item text=''Title'' ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for PHP (Forum) by pmagoo on April 5, 2008