
You searched for the word(s): aspx
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  • EditorWysiwygModeCss doesn't set the default font on page load correctly?

    These proposed fixes don't work: This is an example of the proposed patch ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by erjjones on September 9, 2008
  • Still not workling...

    Adam- I downloaded the latest and greatest code today. (Cuteeditor.dll has a modified date of 6/16/2005 at 1:21 PM). Same issue exists and I think has nothing to do with the ampersands... when I insert a relative url link, like Kingdom Kids Curriculum CD-ROM, it seems to save fine the first time, but then if I go to edit the text again, ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by dsmajor on June 17, 2005
  • Re: SupportFeedback.aspx does not behave as expected

    Hi,   I don't know what happened to you.   Please check the SupportFeedback.aspx,   It do not contains code to clear the subject/message .   Please try to modify it , and find the reason.   Regards, Terry
    Posted to Cute Live Support (Forum) by cutechat on May 27, 2009
  • Re: Unknown server tag 'CE:Image Editor' on ImageEditor.aspx

    paulc,   Did you get the error when you run the aspx page on your browser? If yes,  please post the entire code of your imageeditor.aspx page. In Microsoft Office FrontPage, when you open an .aspx page in Design view, you may receive that error message.        
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on July 25, 2006
  • Re: SpellChecker.aspx

    Thanks for responding Adam,   The site is an asp site hosted with 1and1.   The cuteeditor files are in the root folder along with the remainder of the site.   I have confirmed that the files are in the bin folder and that permission to modify them are set. I also confirmed that the SpellCheck.aspx is in the CuteEditor_Files ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by Sky_Chief on October 31, 2008
  • GetDirectorySize invoked twice in InsertImage.aspx

    I was researching slow performence issue when InsertImage.aspx is displayed and I have discovered that GetDirectory size is invoked twice.   This method is invoked when displaying the amount of space used: <td>&nbsp; [[Used]]: <%= CuteEditor.Impl.FileStorage.FormatSize(fs.GetDirectorySize(fs.VirtualRoot)) ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by frJericho on June 9, 2011
  • Re: unable to browse .aspx files when uploading

    Adam,    I did some more troubleshooting and the root of the issue seems to be that I have both asp and aspx extension under DocumentFilters.  When I have both - asp is the only one that shows.  However, when I remove asp then I am able to see aspx again.   I need have both options so do you have an suggestions?
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by jamesk on March 12, 2010
  • Re: Got integration done, but now SaveTemplate.aspx is not working

    Wayne,   >>With the integration complete (and everything works so far)   Congratulation! If you get any chance, please let me know what we can do to improve the integration guide based on your experience.   >>except when the user tries to save the chat log the child window displays error   Have you modified ...
    Posted to Cute Chat and Cute Web Messenger (Forum) by Adam on June 2, 2006
  • Editing .net aspx pages (including server tags/code)

    Hello, I am on the final part of the project i purchased CuteEditor for and have come across an issue editing .aspx server pages:-   I have set the flags for AllowEditServerSideCode=True, EditCompleteDocument=True - the problem i have is when edited in 'cuteeditor' it is moving the server tags into the <head> ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by mrwighty on April 16, 2009
  • Settings for InsertDocument.aspx

    Hi,   I am opening InsertDocument.aspx to enable file uploads to my application from outside the CuteEditor. This is done by passing an url like the following to a iframe:   ~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertDocument.aspx?isframe=0&setting=!3wEWAgUFbmItbm8FAyRhMfc!35B7LXWKUMY7CEdWAfBqUM8eZ   This works out ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by sjurmr on November 28, 2007
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