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Is CuteEditor.dll present in the bin folder of the web application? It should be present there...
Also ensure that the directory is marked as a ''virtual directory'' in IIS and is not just a folder placed in wwwroot.
keep me post
You can't capture the values by request.form by putting the <form> tag and <input> tags into the editor html view.
You can achieve that using the following code:
<FORM id=''Form1'' name=''theForm'' action=''target.asp'' method=''post''> ...
I am a little confused.
Can you explain what you are trying to do? Are you trying to pass the hidden field value to other pages?
Try remove the <form> tag and test again.
Here comes the example:
Editor1.FontFacesList = new string[] {''Arial'',''Verdana'',''Georgia''};
Editor1.ParagraphsList = new string[] {''Normal'',''Heading 1'',''Heading 2''};
Editor1.FontSizesList = new string[] {''1'',''2'',''3''};
EnableStripScriptTags = false
You can achieve that by editing the browse_Document.asp page.
If the line 128, you can find the following code:
For Each fol In sf 'add the html for the folders
For example, if you want to retrict the bin folder of your root directory, if you can do ...
We are working on translating the interface to other languages as well. We don't have Hebrew translation. Can you send your translation files to us? Thanks.
I suggest you create a new asp file, for example, we called it include_popup_translation.asp.
Then put all the strings into this ...
Try this method:
Dim current_folder
' Get the path of current folder
current_folder = .....
' point the ImageGalleryPath path to the current folder
Editor1.ImageGalleryPath = current_folder
Hope it helps.
I suggest you create a custom button to handle this.
With the CuteEditor for ASP 2.0, the developers can add their own custom buttons.
If you need us to do that for you, please write to us.
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