
You searched for the word(s): toolbar
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  • Re: Toolbar - DisableItemList

    Duh - thanks - the .config files nicely lay out all the buttons.   I just made a copy of compact.cfg, and then removed all the buttons I didn't want.   Then I added some buttons that weren't in my .cfg.   Very simple once I took the time to dig around.   Thanks again.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by wzs5011 on October 23, 2007
  • Re: Change source toolbar?

    Hi   OK have sorted the code view toolbar. Thanks.   I am trying to disable any form of file stuff in the dialogs and have had some limited success. For example on the insert image dialog I have managed to hide the file browser thing on the top left and expand the image to fill the space, but I cannot hide the bar on the top with ...
    Posted to Rich Text Editor for .NET and MVC (Forum) by AndyFel on January 7, 2014
  • Re: Toolbar displaying incorrect image for certain buttons

    We did upgrade from version 6 to 6.1, and in doing so transferred all the dll files accross into the bin folder as well as replacing the Cute_Soft_Client folder. I also did this when I reinstalled the control.   I have placed the editor in a blank project and all the buttons are fine in this project. So obviously it is something in our ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by DLRichards on August 15, 2008
  • Inconsistent Behaviour between toolbar and keyboard shortcuts ASP.NET 1.1

    When you type bold text then turn it off using the toolbar rather than CTRL/B, previous text is also reset. This is not happening here but it does happen when I enter text into the ASP.NET 1.1 version of CuteEditor. Is this a known bug? If I use keyboard shortcuts I don't have the problem.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by pstanford on April 4, 2011
  • Re: Toolbar Error in Custom Module on DNN4

    Adam, I just sent you an updated PA.  It contains the following:   View.ascx View.ascx.vb Edit.ascx Edit.ascx.vb Settings.acsx Settings.acsx.vb   Each control has the DNN texteditor registration and control as follows: <%@ Register TagPrefix=''dnn'' TagName=''TextEditor'' Src=''~/controls/TextEditor.ascx''%> <%@ ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by airstream345 on March 23, 2006
  • Re: Add dropdown to toolbar?

    asiandreads: I want to add a new dropdown, and I know the toolbar controls index of where I want to put it.   It puts my dropdown there, but pushes all the other dropdowns below it, making it look awkward and messed up.   can u help (if this makes sense) ? thx,   rob   When you add custom dropdown, you'd better add ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on November 5, 2006
  • Re: insert document icon not showing up on toolbar.

    this did not work.   i am in fact using the simple config.   where as to test it i took out the insert image and it did not show up in the editor.   is there some where else where it could be hidden.   i have also noticed that insert template and help items are also not showing
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Benava on February 11, 2009
  • Enable / Disable toolbar buttons

    Ok...I should be able to figure this out by now, but here's my question:   I want to use the ''enalbe all'' feature as *most* buttons will be useful for my application, but selected random ones need to be removed.  Can someone point me to the correct file or the quickest way to disable a button?   Many thanks!
    Posted to Cute Editor for ASP (Forum) by ajones on June 10, 2004
  • Re: I need to add bold and italic buttons to the HtmlView toolbar

    Still not working.  I modified my Full.config to read as follows :       <codeviewToolbars>         <item type=''g_start'' />         <item type=''image'' name=''Save'' postback=''True'' />         <item ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by afroblanco on December 21, 2007
  • Re: Toolbar button MouseOver effect

    the4bs,   In some situations, the current command is disabled on the current range. For example, if you select an image, the ''add row'', ''delete row'', ''cell properties'' button will be disabled because the current command is not supported on the current range.   In this case, there will no mouseover effect on those ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Adam on September 14, 2006
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