Re: Change source toolbar?

  •  01-07-2014, 11:58 AM

    Re: Change source toolbar?



    OK have sorted the code view toolbar. Thanks.


    I am trying to disable any form of file stuff in the dialogs and have had some limited success. For example on the insert image dialog I have managed to hide the file browser thing on the top left and expand the image to fill the space, but I cannot hide the bar on the top with the file buttons. Have set settings in config to false so they don't do anything, but I  really want to hide them.


    In insertImage.xml I have added visibility="hidden" and reduced the width to 0 for the left panel as below. But when I try to hide the top panel (which strangely appears within this panel, I thought it would have been before it) it refuses to hide. I am assuming its maybe because you are doing something with all the options in code?


    <panel dock="top" height="210" margin="3" jsml-local="toparea">

    <panel dock="left" border_width="1" border_color="#a0a0a0" border_style="solid" padding="1,0,1,1" width="0" visibility="hidden">

    <!-- Items Header -->

    <panel dock="top" height="0" back_color="#eeeeee" border_width="0,0,1,0" border_color="white">


    Can you help hide the row of buttons on the top of the imageinsert dialog please. 

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