Any suggestions how I might apply regular expressions to the contents of the editor before it gets posted to a database?
I've got a couple of issues that this might fix.
1. The business of converting "curly quotes" to straight quotes
2. I need to fiddle with the paths returned by the link builder. Why? Its complicated...
- normally on our site - points to
- a browser would show this as mydomain.come/myproject/home
- we use a thing called Virtual Director so it now appears as
- but CuteEditor doesn't work with the Virtual Director cause it seems to require the path from the server
- so we try using the full paths to the admin pages and now the CuteEditor works again, but
- the links CuteEditor passes are now wrong for the rest of the site cause they all include /myproject/
I'm afraid to post examples here, I'll email you the specifics.
I hope this makes some sense?
Thanks DOug